Spine Surgery Outcomes & Alternatives: Why Consider NUCCA Chiropractic Care and the McKenzie Protocol for Spinal Rehab in Louisville, CO

At Koru Chiropractic in Louisville, Colorado, we believe in offering holistic alternatives to invasive spine surgery. Many individuals dealing with back pain or spinal issues might think surgery is the only option for relief. However, alternatives like NUCCA chiropractic care and spinal rehabilitation exercises, including the McKenzie protocol, can provide non-invasive, effective solutions for many patients. I’ll also share a few cases where we’ve helped people avoid surgery or benefit from Chiropractic care after a failed spinal surgery. Contact us today to learn more!

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Understanding Spine Surgery Outcomes

Spine surgery, while sometimes necessary, comes with significant risks and varying outcomes. Surgical interventions such as spinal fusion, discectomy, or laminectomy often involve long recovery periods, potential complications, and even the possibility of failed surgeries, known as Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS). Here are some potential risks associated with spine surgery:

  • Infection: Surgery introduces the risk of post-operative infections, which can lead to further complications.
  • Scar Tissue Formation: Excessive scar tissue can form around the nerves, sometimes leading to more pain or discomfort.
  • Limited Mobility: Spine surgery, especially spinal fusion, can reduce the spine’s flexibility, affecting overall mobility.
  • Recurrence of Symptoms: In some cases, symptoms may return, necessitating additional surgeries or therapies.

Given these risks, it’s essential to explore non-invasive alternatives like NUCCA chiropractic care and rehabilitative techniques such as the McKenzie method, which can often address spinal issues without the need for surgery.

NUCCA Chiropractic Care: A Non-Invasive Alternative

NUCCA (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association) care is a specialized form of chiropractic treatment that focuses on precise adjustments to the upper cervical spine (the neck). Unlike traditional chiropractic methods, NUCCA does not involve twisting or cracking of the spine. Instead, it uses a gentle, targeted approach to realign the spine and correct postural imbalances, which can have a profound impact on the entire nervous system.

Benefits of NUCCA Chiropractic Care:

  1. Non-Invasive: No surgery, no drugs, and minimal discomfort.
  2. Improves Nervous System Function: By correcting upper cervical misalignments, NUCCA care promotes better communication between the brain and the body, helping alleviate pain and other symptoms.
  3. Holistic Approach: NUCCA chiropractors treat the body as a whole, aiming to restore balance and natural healing without the need for more aggressive treatments.
  4. Long-Term Relief: Many patients experience long-term relief from chronic pain, headaches, and even issues like vertigo after regular NUCCA adjustments.

At Koru Chiropractic in Louisville, our NUCCA specialists focus on identifying the root cause of your pain and work to restore spinal alignment, offering relief and improved function without the need for surgical intervention.

The McKenzie Method for Spinal Rehab

For those dealing with herniated discs, sciatica, or chronic back pain, spinal rehab exercises can be a key component of recovery. The McKenzie Method is a highly effective rehabilitation technique we use at Koru Chiropractic.

The McKenzie Method is a system of spinal exercises designed to centralize pain and help patients self-manage their symptoms. It focuses on active patient involvement and education, empowering individuals to control their pain through specific exercises and postural changes.

Key Benefits of the McKenzie Method:

  1. Pain Centralization: The exercises aim to move pain away from the extremities (such as legs or arms) back toward the spine, often resulting in a decrease in overall pain.
  2. Self-Treatment: Patients learn techniques they can use at home to alleviate pain and prevent future episodes.
  3. Reduces the Need for Surgery: Many patients who follow the McKenzie Method find significant relief without ever needing to undergo spinal surgery.
  4. Promotes Long-Term Recovery: The method emphasizes education, so patients understand their condition and how to prevent recurrences.

Why Choose Koru Chiropractic in Louisville, CO?

At Koru Chiropractic, we understand that every patient’s spinal health is unique. That’s why we offer individualized treatment plans that combine the best in chiropractic care, including NUCCA techniques, with evidence-based spinal rehab exercises like the McKenzie Method. Our holistic approach allows us to address the root causes of pain, promote healing, and improve overall spinal health—without the risks associated with surgery.

Case Reviews

We’re very proud to say that we’ve got dozens of surgical prevention and post-surgical cases here at Koru Chiropractic. Here are a few of my recent favorites!

Dave A, Chronic Low Back Pain unresponsive to medical palliative care, able to avoid the surgery table completely:

Dave came to us after receiving daily opioids, muscle relaxers, and Gabapentin, as well as multiple rounds of steroid injections and even a round of nerve ablations with little to no long-lasting effects. He was skeptical that chiropractic care could help but came to us in Louisville after a trusted referral and a strong desire to avoid surgery and be able to get off his medications. After just a few adjustments Dave saw massive improvements to his posture and intrasegmental spinal alignment. He needed a combination of lumbar and cervical spine work. I often find Medicine can help with chronic pain, and of course, when necessary operate to fix structural issues that may not be able to be corrected with spinal adjustments or rehab exercises. However, they usually do not look at the whole body and consider how for example a cervical misalignment could be altering posture and balance to the point of creating a compensatory disc bulge and eventually a disc herniation. We’re proud to share Dave’s story because he was able to avoid surgery and with the guidance of his MD get off all daily medications. Dave was so inspired that he got a full-back tattoo!

chiropractor in Louisville, co inspires tattoo

Trisha G, Severe numbness and tingling in the arms after a bad Motor Vehicle accident, resulting in a multi-level cervical spine fusion:

Trisha came to us from a Physical Therapy referral 2 years after a cervical spine multi-level fusion at C3-C6. She was suffering from persistent numbness and tingling, and even mild weakness in her arms and hands, along with headaches, vertigo, light sensitivity, low back pain with neuropathy in the feet, loss of balance as well as fatigue. She also had Traumatic Brain Injury symptoms from the initial trauma of the MVA. Her exam showed stability and advancing disc degeneration below the surgical site at C7-T1. I knew it would be a difficult case as best, and possibly have no effect at all, although I knew the unique Chiropractic approach I use would be safe to do with her, so we proceeded. Again like Dave, she was highly motivated to avoid another spinal fusion as that was the Neurosurgons only option left at that point, so we proceeded with Chiropractic Care. Amazingly Trisha has had almost complete resolution of her symptoms, not just subjectively but also on objective x-ray measurements showing improved stability and QEEG scans showing dramatic improvements in brain function. She still has to be extremely careful with her body as she can get flare-ups with certain excessive activity or sitting but for the time being, she will not need surgical intervention according to her Neurosurgeon.

(picture of Trishas’s x-ray with C7 stability improving)

Dan E, Exeterme Retrolithesis of L5 after an MVA resulting in low back pain and neuropathy in the lower legs and feet:

Similar to Trisha I was concerned Dan’s Case was “too far gone” for Chiropractic care to help but thought I saw enough room for improvement to potentially improve. I had no idea how big of an improvement it would make. As you can see in the image Dan’s L5 was like a scoop of ice cream almost falling off the cone (the sacrum), he also had a posterior rotated pelvic with a hypo-lordosis. I had honestly never seen a case where the retrolisthesis was so large. To be honest, I felt a bit timid, but Dan wanted to explore all options before getting spinal surgery and was considered high risk for surgery because of his weight and health profile, so the Neurosurgeon was hesitant as well. In an extreme case like this, I always x-ray images before and after the first adjustment to make sure we are making an improvement, and not making things worse as I knew it could make him very sore and wanted to know if there were objective alignment improvements. I was blown away at the instant improvement to the alignment, as expected it did take some time for Dan’s back pain, spasm, and neuropathy to settle down, but he noticed some improvement almost instantaneously as well. Over the next several weeks Dan’s pain and mobility improved by 80% and his neuropathy decreased from his shins to only the bottom of his feet. The neurosurgeon was blown away and said Dan was no longer a candidate for spinal surgery.

Contact Us Today

If you’re experiencing back pain or spinal issues and are considering alternatives to surgery, schedule a consultation with Koru Chiropractic in Louisville, CO. Our team is committed to helping you find the most effective, non-invasive treatment plan for your specific needs.

Book Your Appointment Now and take the first step towards a healthier, pain-free life!

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